Clinical Associate Professor - Periodontics

Clinical Associate Professor - Periodontics

UI HealthChicago, IL, US
30+ days ago
Job description

Description :

The Department of Periodontics at University of Illinoisat Chicago in the College of Dentistry is seeking a qualified candidate for afull-time Clinical Associate Professor in the non-tenure track and Director ofDigital Dentistry to teach in the Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Program. Thedepartment seeks individuals with a strong commitment to interdisciplinary careand willingness to engage other academic departments such as RestorativeDentistry, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics, Endodontics, etc.

The Department of Periodontics is actively engaged in theeducational, research, and service missions of the College. Our curriculumincludes pre-doctoral, post-graduate (residency), and continuing educationprograms with a focus on evidence-based periodontics and implant dentistry.Clinical training emphasizes the understanding of periodontal and peri-implanthealth and treatment of associated diseases and is supported by departmentalresearch activities. Faculty members actively participate in pre-clinical(basic), translational, and clinical investigation and provide studentsinstruction and guidance in research.

Responsibilities will include clinical and didacticinstruction in the post-doctoral program including non-surgical andsurgical periodontal therapy. It will also include professional service,scholarly activity and participation in intramural or extramural practice. TheDirector of Digital Dentistry of Postgraduate Periodontics will oversee themanagement and provide leadership of the post-doctoral digital dentistryprogram and is responsible for advancing research in digital dentistry,interdisciplinary care and education. In addition, the director is responsiblefor continual calibration of clinical faculty and staff to ensure fulfillmentof the program's curriculum objectives, for updating digital software / hardware,and assigning staff responsibilities for maintenance protocols in alignmentwith manufacturer's recommendations.

Qualifications :

Qualifications include a DDS / DMD or foreign equivalent,completion of an US accredited 3-year specialty program in Periodontic Dentistry or foreign equivalent by the time ofhire, and be eligible forlicensure in Illinois or qualifications for a restricted faculty license arerequired. Minimum two years' experience in using Computer-aided design (CAD)and Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software with demonstrated proof of thatexperience clinically and didactically. Applicants having advanced training andexperience in all areas of periodontology and implantology including sitedevelopment; certification by the American Board of Periodontology; teachingexperience and active scholarly activity are preferred.