PRIMARY PURPOSE OF POSITION : Assume full time administrative responsibility and compliance accountability for all aspects of the postsecondary Practical Nursing Program (PNP). MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES : 1.Maintain accreditation standards for the MA Board of Registration in Nursing (MBORN) and Practical Nursing Program (PNP). 2.Develop faculty teaching assignments, annual calendar, and participate in the development of class and clinical schedules. 3.Ensure the development, implementation, and review of PNP brochures, policies, student handbook, and total program evaluation as required by the Systematic Evaluation Plan. 4.Develop agreements with affiliating PNP agencies and conduct clinical site visits as well as observational experiences and schedule student rotations. 5.Prepare and submit the annual report to the MBORN, COE and all necessary documents for continued approval of the PNP. 6.Provide leadership to faculty with regard to the development, implementation, and evaluation of the curriculum consistent with the MBORN, accrediting agencies, and other state initiatives. 7.Screen, interview, and recommend candidates for employment in collaboration with the Human Resources Office and the school's hiring policies and procedures. 8.Monitor competency, deficiency, and student grading for promotion / non-promotional purposes in the PNP. 9.Evaluate faculty as established by collective bargaining agreements and COE standards. 10.Initiate and guide the development of policies and administrative procedures as may be necessary to implement program. 11.Collaborate with agencies / programs relating to Practical Nurse Program. 12.Direct the fiscal planning process including operational and capital budget development, expenditure monitoring, and the processing of purchase orders in compliance with state procurement laws and regulations. 13.Participate in the governance of the Greater Lowell Technical High School District. 14.Oversee the effective operation of the department including the following : a)Coordinate the Practical Nurse Program. b)Maintain attendance and payroll records. c)Supervise and evaluate faculty and staff. d)Arrange for substitute and emergency class and clinical coverage as needed. e)Monitor development and organization of curriculum and instruction materials. f)Maintain compliance with the education standards set by governing agencies. g)Work with the Director of Plant Service to ensure proper maintenance of instructional, shop, and lab areas. h)Plan, schedule, and conduct faculty meetings as needed. i)Oversee the orientation and mentoring of new faculty members. 15.Perform other duties as requested by the Superintendent-Director. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS :