Pay Period : Biweekly
Fixed Salary : $ 2070.40
Weeks per Year : 52
Hours Per Week : 40
Health and Nutrition Manager
Pay Rate : $2070.40 Bi-Weekly
Benefits :
Health and Nutrition Manager
Health(medical and dental), mental health services, nutrition and childsafety areas are an integral part of the larger system of servicesprovided by Head Start / Early Head Start. They play an important part insupporting the goals of the program. This position is responsible forthe facilitation of Health Services of the Head Start / Early Head Startprogram. The position is responsible for collaborating on thedevelopment and implementation of the program, tracking andrecordkeeping, community relations and outreach. The position couldinvolve provision of direct services in the health areas only if theindividual is licensed, certified, or registered as such in the state ofservice. This position is responsible for ensuring health proceduresare performed only by licensed / certified health professionals withexpertise in serving young children and their families. This positionprovides content area training and technical supervision to other agencystaff and ensures health services are supported by staff / consultantswith training and experience in public health, nursing, healtheducation, maternal and child health or health administration. Thisposition is responsible for the implementation of the Child and AdultCare Food Program (CACFP).
The minimum requirement
is a Bachelor’s degree or higher, preferably related to one or more of the disciplines they
oversee. Experience working in public health or nutrition arena and working with low-income
clients preferred. Experience and training in public health, nursing, health education, maternal
Schedule : Full-Time, 40 Hours week, 52 Weeks per year