Significant development experience using TypeScript / JavaScript.
Someone who is an expert at JS and has TS experience is also acceptable but must have expertise in JS at least.
These are some of the tools / libraries / frameworks they will have experience in : Webpack, Jest, Selenium, JS ES6, React / Vue.js / Next.js, Storybook.
Experience bootstrapping frontend projects, from 0 lines of code to MVP.
Experience building webapps as a platform that clients will integrate with.
Ability to design APIs for backend-of-frontend.
Building web apps that can be embedded within client applications.
Experience working with existing design systems for creating reusable components, whitelabled frontend products, support for I18n and accessibility, etc.
Ability to work in ambiguous environments and show a high level of ownership.
Experience building web SDKs for both web applications and mobile webviews.