Internal Medicine physician job in Florida :
A well-established group near Hernando County Florida area has an openings for a Family, Internal, and Geriatric Physicians
- BC / BE : Family, Internal, or Geriatric Physician
- Looking for Providers with backgrounds in Primary or Managed Care
- Outpatient settings
- Schedule : Monday - Friday 8 AM -5 PM
- Patient appointments from 9 AM - 3 : 30 PM then time for Admin and urgent patients
- Geriatric population
- About 12 PPD - 30-45 minutes per visit
- EMR - Epic or eCW
- Salary DOE : plus bonuses, benefits package, PTO, CME, and more!
- Job ID# 5327
Board Certified or Board Eligible Medical Doctor with or w / o US residency with current US work visa.