2024 Dates of Coverage :
- June 8-9
- June 15-16
- June 29-30
Details :
24 hour S / S coverage, periodic night and week night coverage (5p-8a)Setting : Acute care hospital with Level II Trauma Designation and Thrombectomy-capable Stroke Center designation. NIR services for stroke are provided by hospital-contracted NIR group and are not part of the locum IR job.Duties : Emergency call coverage for IR services for weekends and holidays, may include Friday PM call (5pm-8am). Also includes supervision of procedures using fluoroscopy (non-OR procedures).Required Procedures : Please see belowEMR : Cerner Care B, Radiologists also use PowerScribe 360Support Staff : Hospital department Radiology Techs, no APP (PA) support staff for IR services.Reason for Coverage : Gaps in coverageCredentialing Information :
Timeframe : 30 days if eligible for temporary / locum tenens privilegesDiagnostic / Nuclear Medicine Radiology Qualifications :
Applicants must be Board Certified (or in the certification process) by the American Board of Radiology.As required by the Calif. Dept. of Public Health Radiologic Health Branch, and Title 17 of the Calif. Code of Regulations, the Radiologist must obtain and maintain an X-Ray Supervisor and Operator's Certificate.Procedural Sedation :
Percutaneous Transcatheter Infusion TherapyPercutaneous EmbolotherapyPercutaneous Arterial / Venous Stent PlacementPercutaneous IVC Filter PlacementCentral Venous AccessPercutaneous VertebroplastyPercutaneous Vertebroplasty via Balloon KyphoplastyNONVASCULAR - INTERVENTIONAL :
BiopsiesFluoroscopyUS or CT GuidanceFNA or Core Breast LocalizationPercutaneous Transhepatic CholangiographyPercutaneous Antegrade PyelographyLymphangiographyAbscess DrainagesCyst / Fluid AspirationsPercutaneousTranshepatic Biliary DrainagePercutaneous Nephrostomy Tube PlacementPercutaneous Transhepatic CystostomyPercutaneous Stone ExtractionsPercutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Dilation / Stent PlacementFallopian Tube CatheterizationEximer Lase