Department Summary
The History department at San José State University () is a vibrant center of learning for nearly 300 undergraduate and graduate History majors, plus hundreds more undergraduate students enrolled in History survey courses that fulfill General Education and American Institutions graduation requirements. The department has nine full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty and ten part-time or full-time lecturers. We offer courses that cover most of the world and all periods of time. We are always looking for qualified History instructors who can teach lower- division survey courses (MA required, PhD preferred) and occasional upper-division courses (PhD required) as well. We also hire qualified lecturers to act as supervisors for our graduate students who are complete their credential / MAT program through the History Department and the College of Education / Teacher Education Department.
Brief Description of Duties for Lecturer A Position
We are seeking qualified lecturers to teach and supervise SSED 184Z : Phase II Student Teaching on a part-time, temporary basis. This is a 4-unit, graduate course offered through the History Department and the College of Education / Teacher Education Department that fulfills the Phase II Student Teaching requirement to earn a CA teaching credential.
Required Qualifications
Preferred Qualifications
Conditional Appointment
Please be advised that an appointment is contingent upon budget and enrollment considerations and subject to order of assignment provisions in the collective bargaining agreement between California State University and California Faculty Association. These provisions state the “Order of Work,” or the order in which available courses must be assigned to faculty, starting with tenure line faculty and ending with new lecturer appointees.
Salary Range - Compensation and salary range placement are determined by qualifications and experience. To learn more about range placement, please see University Policy .
Anticipated starting salary :
L-A / - $4530 - $5300 L-B / - $5405 - $6300
L-C / - $6190 - $6800
L-D / - $7794 - $8250
Range salaries above are the anticipated monthly salary rate of full-time AY faculty part-time rates are prorated. There are 6 monthly payments per semester (full-time AY annual salary = rate x 12). See the for more information.
Application Procedure
Click Apply Now to complete the SJSU Online Employment Application and attach the following documents :
The University
enrolls over 35,700 students, a significant percentage of whom are members of minority groups. As such, this position is for scholars interested in a career at a national leader in graduating URM students. SJSU is a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander (AANAPISI) Serving Institution; 40% of our students are first-generation, and 38% are Pell-qualified. The university is currently ranked fifth nationally in increasing student upward mobility. The University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty so our disciplines, students, and the community can benefit from multiple ethnic and gender perspectives.
San José State University is California’s oldest institution of public higher learning. Located in downtown San José (Pop. 1,000,000) in the heart of Silicon Valley, SJSU is part of one of the most innovative regions in the world. As Silicon Valley’s public university, SJSU combines dynamic teaching, research, and university-industry experiences to prepare students to address the biggest problems facing society. SJSU is a member of the 23-campus California State University (CSU) system.
Equal Employment Statement
San José State University is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer. We consider qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, gender identity / expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, medical condition, marital status, veteran status, or disability. This policy applies to all San José State University students, faculty, and staff as well as University programs and activities. Reasonable accommodations are made for applicants with disabilities who self-disclose. Note that all San José State University employees are considered mandated reporters under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and are required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083 as a condition of employment.
Additional Information
A background check (including a criminal records check) must be completed satisfactorily before any candidate can be offered a position with the CSU. Failure to satisfactorily complete the background check may affect the application status of applicants or continued employment of current CSU employees who apply for the position.