Teacher : English as a Second Language (ESL) - Quinsigamond School 2024-2025

Teacher : English as a Second Language (ESL) - Quinsigamond School 2024-2025

Quinsigamond SchoolWorcester, Massachusetts, US
30+ days ago
Job description

Job Description


REPORTS TO : Building Principal


This position is accountable for assuming the responsibility of providing instructional experiences through creativity, resourcefulness and sound judgment consistent with the rules and regulations of the Worcester Public Schools and the mandates of M.G.L. C. 71A, the Transitional Bilingual Education Act of 1971.

PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES : (to be included along with other responsibilities)

1. Responsible for planning, developing and implanting various instructional experiences through creativity and resourcefulness which lends to the educational growth and development of targeted students.

2. Responsible for effective classroom presentation techniques and reviewing, correcting and reinforcing instructional lessons to enhance the learning and retention process.

3. Responsible for techniques of testing / conformation of level accomplishment.

4. Responsible for effective techniques of classroom management / discipline and behavior reinforcement.

5. Responsible for demonstrating effective techniques to gain cognitive development.

6. Responsible for identification and referral procedures for students requiring Special Education.

7. Responsible for assuring equal educational opportunity to all individuals regardless of race, color, gender, age, religion, national origin, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or homelessness.

8. Performance of other job-related duties as assigned.

9. Responsible for remaining up to date regarding curriculum content.

10.Responsible for effective planning and assessment of curriculum and instruction.

11.Responsible for mentoring students’ understanding of the curriculum effectively and adjusting instruction, materials, or assessments, when appropriate.

12.Responsible for effective management of classroom environment.

13.Responsible for effective instruction, which includes making learning goals clear to the students, using appropriate instructional and questioning techniques.

14.Responsible for using innovative approaches, and instructional strategies, including the effective use of technologies, to increase student learning and confidence to learn.

15.Responsible for the promotion of high standards and expectations for student achievement.

16.Responsible for the promotion of equity and appreciation of diversity to ensure equitable opportunities for student learning, including, for implementing specific strategies for students with special needs, with 504 plans and\or second language learners.


1. Massachusetts Licensure as an English as a Second Language (ESL) Pre K-6.

2. Bachelor’s Degree

3. SEI Endorsement or dual licensure.


1. Advanced educational preparation in the area of English as a Second Language methodology.

2. Experience in the area of Bilingual / Bicultural education and second language acquisition.

3. Demonstrated experience supporting students with special needs.

4. Ability to speak Albanian, Arabic, Nepali, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese or an African Language.

5. Demonstrated experience with second language acquisition.

WORK YEAR : 184 Days

SALARY : Appropriate step on teachers’ salary schedule

TO APPLY : Any person interested in this position must submit a resume, cover letter, licensure, and answer all questions on-line at https : / / worcesterschools.org / about / employment-opportunities

This deadline date does not preclude further advertisement or recruitment

Position Type : Full-time

Positions Available : 2

Job Categories : Classroom Teacher >


Classroom Teacher >


Welcome to Quinsigamond School

Our Focus Statement All students at Quinsigamond School will show measurable growth in their ability to read, comprehend and utilize knowledge gained from reading across all curricula areas. A consistent set of research based strategies including Guided Reading, Think Aloud, Reciprocal Teaching and Fluency will be utilized. Formative and summativeassessments including DIBELS, MAP, MCAS, MEPA and GRADE will be analyzed to monitor students’ ongoing progress. View School Improvement Plan for more details about our school.

Equal Opportunity Employer

The Worcester Public Schools is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative ActionEmployer / Educational Institution and does not discriminate regardless ofrace, color, ancestry, sex, gender, age, religion, national origin, genderidentity or expression, marital status, sexual orientation, disability,pregnancy or a related condition, veteran status or homelessness. TheWorcester Public Schools provides equal access to employment and the fullrange of general, occupational and vocational education programs. For moreinformation relating to Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action contact theHuman Resource Manager, 20 Irving Street, Worcester, MA 01609,508-799-3020.

Job Requirements

  • To maximize the effectiveness of your application, it is recommended that you provide a cover letter which describes the specific training and experience that you have for the position(s) that you are applying for and that you ensure that the certification information in your SchoolSpring profile is updated. Your MA DESE certification number will allow us to verify that you possess the correct license. Please ensure that your SchoolSpring resume, specifically, is updated as this will be used to determine your Degree and Step placement on the Teachers salary schedule.
  • Citizenship, residency or work visa required

Application Questions

The employer requires all applicants to answer the following questions. It is recommended that you type any essays in a word processing program, save them, and then paste them on the proceeding job application page.

  • 1. Have you ever worked for the Worcester Public Schools? When? What capacity?
  • Brief Response (Answer limited to 200 characters, including spaces)

  • 2. Do you have any relatives employed by the Worcester Public Schools or the School Committee? If yes, please list name, title, and relationship.
  • Yes / No

  • 3. Have you ever been terminated for cause from a prior position? If so please explain.
  • Brief Response (Answer limited to 200 characters, including spaces)