Element |
Required |
Description |
Example value |
<source> | Yes | XML feed root node | - |
<publisher> | No | Name of the ATS that published the job | <publisher>ATS name</publisher> |
<publisherurl> | No | Website URL of the ATS that published the job | <publisherurl>https://atssite.com</publisherurl> |
<lastbuilddate> | No | Feed creation date (suggested format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ) | <lastbuilddate>2019-09-17T12:00:00Z</lastbuilddate> |
<job> | Yes | Individual information of each job listed in the feed | See details in the Job attributes section |
Element |
Description |
Example Value |
<referencenumber> | The job ID (assigned by the ATS) | <referencenumber><![CDATA[123_456]]></referencenumber> |
<title> |
The job title
Note: Don’t include any other information such as location or job type in this tag.
<title><![CDATA[Assistant]]></title> |
<company> |
The exact company name
Note: Don’t include any other information such as location or job category in this tag.
<company><![CDATA[Company 1A]]></company> |
<city> | The city where the job is located | <city><![CDATA[Montreal]]></city> |
<state> | The state, region or province where the job is located | <state><![CDATA[Quebec]]></state> |
<country> | The country where the job is located | <country><![CDATA[Canada]]></country> |
<dateposted> | The date on which the job was published (suggested format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ ) | <dateposted><![CDATA[2019-09-14T12:00:00Z]]></dateposted> |
<url> |
The URL to the original job listing
Note: If you want to track clicks coming from talent, make sure to include your token in the URL (e.g. "source=talent").
<url><![CDATA[https://jobsite.com]]></url> |
<description> |
This information must be identical to the one shown on the job source (suggested format is HTML)
(minimum 50 characters)
Note: HTML format is required for the job description.
<description><![CDATA[We’re looking for employer with 3+ years of experience...]]></description> |
Element |
Description |
Example value |
<expirationdate> | The date on which the job posting expires (suggested format is MM-dd-yyyyTHH:mm:ssZ) | <expirationdate><![CDATA[10-17-2019T12:00:00Z]]></expirationdate> |
<streetaddress> | The street address where the job is located | <streetaddress><![CDATA[2000 N Broadway Street]></streetaddress> |
<postalcode> | The postal code where the job is located | <postalcode><![CDATA[60000]></postalcode> |
<jobtype> | The job type (full time, part-time) | <jobtype><![CDATA[Full time]]></jobtype> |
<isremote> | Whether a job is hiring remote applicants or not. Value should be "yes" or "no" | <isremote><![CDATA[no]></isremote> |
<benefit> |
See Benefit section for more details
Note: categories outside of this list won’t be considered.
<benefit><![CDATA[Medical insurance]></benefit> |
<category> |
See job categories section for more details
Note: categories outside of this list won’t be be considered.
<category><![CDATA[Hospitality]]></category> |
<logo> | The URL to the company’s logo (format must be .PNG. Suggested size 128 x 128 pixels) | <logo><![CDATA[https://companyslogo.com.png]]></logo> |
<experience> | The experience required for the job should contain: • max (only numbers) • min (only numbers) • period (year,month) | <experience> <experience_max> <![CDATA[5]> </experience_max> <experience_min> <![CDATA[1]> </experience_min> <period> <![CDATA[year]> </period> </experience> |
<cpc> | The cpc value should be expressed as whole numbers | <cpc><![CDATA[15]></cpc> |
<salary> | The salary offered should contain: • max salary • min salary • currency • period: should be express only as : (year, month, week, day, hour) type: should be expressed only as (Base salary, additional salary). | <salary> <salary_max> <![CDATA[100000]> </salary_max> <salary_min> <![CDATA[5000]> </salary_min> <salary_currency> <![CDATA[USD]> </salary_currency> <period> <![CDATA[year]> </period> <type> <![CDATA[BASE_SALARY]> </type> </salary> |
Parameter name |
Required |
Description |
Example |
posturl | YES | The URL where the application data is sent (it should be encoded in an XML files). | http://www.company1a.com/process-applications |
questions | NO | A URL which generates a JSON-formatted string with the application process content. Note: The default questions ask the candidates’ first name, last name, email, and phone number. |
Parameter Name |
Required |
Description |
Allowed Values |
Example |
id | YES | Unique ID for each question | Any string | age |
type | YES | The type of question | • Text area • Text • Select • Multiselect • Date • Information • Page break • Hierarchical | multiselect |
question | No: for type=information and type=pagebreak Yes: for the other question types | The question that is shown to applicants | Any string | “Are you currently working?” |
text | No: for type=information and type=pagebreak Yes: for the other question types | The text that applicants see | Any string | “Please, answer the following questions.” |
options | Yes: for type=select and type=multiselect | The list of options available in the drop-down menu | JSON | [ { "value":"1", "label":"Married" } ] |
value | Yes: for type=select and type=multiselect | The number/letter associated to each answer from drop-down menus | Any string | 1 |
label | Yes: for type=select and type=multiselect | The text for each option in drop-down menus | Any string | Married |
format | Yes: for type=date No: for type=text | It can be paired with type:text, to force integer, decimal, or numeric_text validation, or with type:date to point out how to parse date input |
Text formats:
dd/mm/yyyy |
limit | No | Character limit for candidates’ answers (for type=text and type=textarea) | Any integer | 50 |
min | No | The minimum value the answer should have (for format=integer and format=decimal) Note: For type=date, the answer has to be “on” or “after” | Use format=integer to add integer numbers and format=decimal to add decimal numbers. To add a date, use type=date (in the specified format) | 0 |
max | No | The maximum value the answer should have (for format=integer and format=decimal) Note: For type=date, the answer has to be “on” or “before”. | For any integer format=integer for any decimal format=decimal for any date type=date (in the specified format) | 50 |
condition | No | It’s used to mark a question as conditional, depending on how a previous select question was answered. You have to specify the id of the previous question, as well as the option value that triggers this question. | JSON | [ "condition": { "id": "degree1", "value": 0 } ] |