Integration Guide
Talent.com integrates with your ATS to help you to optimize the hiring process, improve the job seeker experience, and help make the right hires faster.
XML Feeds
Using XML Feeds
In this first section, you will learn all there is to know regarding the content and the format XML feeds should have for your jobs to be featured on Talent.com.
Using an XML feed allows you to control what you will to publish on Talent.com: the content of your job listings, the time during which they will be displayed on our website and all the specifics of the job description.
XML feed management
These are the two ways talent.com manages XML feeds:
  • By crawling an XML URL:
    We will extract the job listings from your XML feed once you provide us with its URL.
  • By crawling an FTP site:
    We will extract the job listings from your FTP site once you give us access to it.
XML feed attributes
The XML feed consists of two sets of attributes:
  • General attributes:
    They refer to the whole feed and only have to be specified once (i.e. <source>,<publisher>, <publisherurl>, <lastbuilddate>, <job> ).
  • Job attributes:
    They are specific to each job posting (i.e. <title>, <company>, <city>, <state>,<country> , etc.)
General attributes
Example value
<source> Yes XML feed root node -
<publisher> No Name of the ATS that published the job <publisher>ATS name</publisher>
<publisherurl> No Website URL of the ATS that published the job <publisherurl>https://atssite.com</publisherurl>
<lastbuilddate> No Feed creation date (suggested format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ) <lastbuilddate>2019-09-17T12:00:00Z</lastbuilddate>
<job> Yes Individual information of each job listed in the feed See details in the Job attributes section
Job attributes
All the content of the job listing must be wrapped in <‌![CDATA[]]> nodes.
Note: Any additional information that is not shown in the following list won’t be taken into consideration.
Required fields
Example Value
<referencenumber> The job ID (assigned by the ATS) <referencenumber><![CDATA[123_456]]></referencenumber>
<title> The job title
Note: Don’t include any other information such as location or job type in this tag.
<company> The exact company name
Note: Don’t include any other information such as location or job category in this tag.
<company><![CDATA[Company 1A]]></company>
<city> The city where the job is located <city><![CDATA[Montreal]]></city>
<state> The state, region or province where the job is located <state><![CDATA[Quebec]]></state>
<country> The country where the job is located <country><![CDATA[Canada]]></country>
<dateposted> The date on which the job was published (suggested format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ ) <dateposted><![CDATA[2019-09-14T12:00:00Z]]></dateposted>
<url> The URL to the original job listing
Note: If you want to track clicks coming from talent, make sure to include your token in the URL (e.g. "source=talent").
<description> This information must be identical to the one shown on the job source (suggested format is HTML)
(minimum 50 characters)
Note: HTML format is required for the job description.
<description><![CDATA[We’re looking for employer with 3+ years of experience...]]></description>
Recommended fields
Example value
<expirationdate> The date on which the job posting expires (suggested format is MM-dd-yyyyTHH:mm:ssZ) <expirationdate><![CDATA[10-17-2019T12:00:00Z]]></expirationdate>
<streetaddress> The street address where the job is located <streetaddress><![CDATA[2000 N Broadway Street]></streetaddress>
<postalcode> The postal code where the job is located <postalcode><![CDATA[60000]></postalcode>
<jobtype> The job type (full time, part-time) <jobtype><![CDATA[Full time]]></jobtype>
<isremote> Whether a job is hiring remote applicants or not. Value should be "yes" or "no" <isremote><![CDATA[no]></isremote>
<benefit> See Benefit section for more details
Note: categories outside of this list won’t be considered.
<benefit><![CDATA[Medical insurance]></benefit>
<category> See job categories section for more details
Note: categories outside of this list won’t be be considered.
<logo> The URL to the company’s logo (format must be .PNG. Suggested size 128 x 128 pixels) <logo><![CDATA[https://companyslogo.com.png]]></logo>
<experience> The experience required for the job should contain: • max (only numbers) • min (only numbers) • period (year,month) <experience> <experience_max> <![CDATA[5]> </experience_max> <experience_min> <![CDATA[1]> </experience_min> <period> <![CDATA[year]> </period> </experience>
<cpc> The cpc value should be expressed as whole numbers <cpc><![CDATA[15]></cpc>
<salary> The salary offered should contain: • max salary • min salary • currency • period: should be express only as : (year, month, week, day, hour) type: should be expressed only as (Base salary, additional salary). <salary> <salary_max> <![CDATA[100000]> </salary_max> <salary_min> <![CDATA[5000]> </salary_min> <salary_currency> <![CDATA[USD]> </salary_currency> <period> <![CDATA[year]> </period> <type> <![CDATA[BASE_SALARY]> </type> </salary>
Adding Talent Apply
Our Talent Apply system allows job seekers to save time and apply for your jobs directly on Talent.com.
How to add Talent Apply
If you have already integrated an XML feed with Talent.com, and you want to make it easier for job seekers to apply for your jobs, simply add the Talent Apply function to your job listings by inserting the <talent-apply-data> tag to your existing feed.
Example of an XML feed with Talent Apply
Here is an example of how the Talent Apply function will display on your XML feed.
Note: this example aims to show the <talent-apply-data> tag but all the previously mentioned elements must be included in the feed.
Talent Apply configuration requirements
In order to configure Talent Apply in an XML feed, the following requirements must be met:
  • Attributes must be URL encoded.
  • All fields must be filled.
  • Data attributes must include the prefix talent-apply-
Talent Apply configuration parameters
In the following table you will learn about the parameter of Talent Apply. Thanks to this function, you will be able to:
  • Know to which job each candidate has applied.
  • Customize the information you want to receive from each candidate.
Note: This element must be included in the <talent-apply-data> tag.
Parameter name
posturl YES The URL where the application data is sent (it should be encoded in an XML files). http://www.company1a.com/process-applications
questions NO A URL which generates a JSON-formatted string with the application process content. Note: The default questions ask the candidates’ first name, last name, email, and phone number.
Screening questions will help you get applicants information easier and makes sure your clients find the right person for the job while saving time, effort and money
Including screening questions
Adding the right questions to your application process can help you filter candidates and find the right fit faster, saving you time. Read below to learn about the different types of screening questions available.
Types of screening questions
Talent.com tips:
  • Focus on questions that are specific to the position you’re trying to fill.
  • Go past the candidate's experience, which should be on their resume. Try to get to know them a bit better before a potential interview!
  • When in doubt, ask your legal department. Better safe than sorry!
  • Make sure candidates don't have to second guess your questions. Be clear, straightforward, and you'll get the information you need.
Type: Text area
A question applicants will be able to answer with a short paragraph.
Questions requiring textual and numerical answers
Type: Text
A question candidates will answer in one line to share very specific information (e.g., degree, age , contact information, etc.).
Note: for numerical questions, you can specify the format of the number you want (integer, decimal, etc.).
Type: No format specification
Format: Integer
Candidates can only answer with whole numbers. Decimals and leading zeros are not allowed.
Format: Decimal
Answers can should use with decimal numbers. In this configuration, trailing and leading zeros are allowed.
Format: Numeric text
Applicant's answers can include leading zeros. Decimals are not allowed.
Type: Select
A question that displays a drop-down menu from which candidates can only choose one answer.
Type: Conditional
A question that is shown or not, depending on the applicant’s answer to the previous question.
For example, if you ask an applicant if they have a bachelor’s degree and their answer is yes, a question asking them to provide their certification could appear. If the answer is no, that extra question will stay hidden.
Type: Hierarchical
A question that displays additional questions and answers depending on the applicant’s answer to the previous question.
For example, once the candidate chooses a state/province, you could display a drop-down menu with all the cities in that state, so the applicant can pick one from the list.
Type: Multiselect
A question the applicant can answer by choosing several options from a list.
Type: Date
A question the applicant can only answer with a date.
Type: Information
Does a question need more context? Want to guide the applicant? Use this option to add useful information to your form.
Type: Page break
Control the layout of your application form with page breaks: all questions included between two <pagebreak> tags will appear on the same page.
JSON for screener questions
This segment provides a list of parameters that will be used in creating all question types.
Parameter Name
Allowed Values
id YES Unique ID for each question Any string age
type YES The type of question • Text area • Text • Select • Multiselect • Date • Information • Page break • Hierarchical multiselect
question No: for type=information and type=pagebreak Yes: for the other question types The question that is shown to applicants Any string “Are you currently working?”
text No: for type=information and type=pagebreak Yes: for the other question types The text that applicants see Any string “Please, answer the following questions.”
options Yes: for type=select and type=multiselect The list of options available in the drop-down menu JSON [ { "value":"1", "label":"Married" } ]
value Yes: for type=select and type=multiselect The number/letter associated to each answer from drop-down menus Any string 1
label Yes: for type=select and type=multiselect The text for each option in drop-down menus Any string Married
format Yes: for type=date No: for type=text It can be paired with type:text, to force integer, decimal, or numeric_text validation, or with type:date to point out how to parse date input Text formats:
  • • integer
  • • decimal
  • • numeric_text
Date format:
  • • dd/mm/yyyy
limit No Character limit for candidates’ answers (for type=text and type=textarea) Any integer 50
min No The minimum value the answer should have (for format=integer and format=decimal) Note: For type=date, the answer has to be “on” or “after” Use format=integer to add integer numbers and format=decimal to add decimal numbers. To add a date, use type=date (in the specified format) 0
max No The maximum value the answer should have (for format=integer and format=decimal) Note: For type=date, the answer has to be “on” or “before”. For any integer format=integer for any decimal format=decimal for any date type=date (in the specified format) 50
condition No It’s used to mark a question as conditional, depending on how a previous select question was answered. You have to specify the id of the previous question, as well as the option value that triggers this question. JSON [ "condition": { "id": "degree1", "value": 0 } ]
Application data delivery
Receive applications through PostURL
To receive applications through a URL or endpoint, we will send a POST call with the applicants’ information (JSON format). You will receive the applicant’s full name, email address, phone number and curriculum vitae.
The JSON response could contain:
  • A standard JSON if no questions are asked.
  • A JSON with questions with their corresponding answers if questions are asked.
JSON standard example
JSON with questions example
Jobtype section
Full time
Part time
Benefits Section
Medical insurance
Pension plan
Student loan assistance
Vision insurance
Child care support
Tuition assistance
Dental insurance
Paid maternity leave
Disability insurance
401(k) match
Commuter benefits
Job Categories section
Customer Service
Food Industry
Human Resources
Skilled Labor
Social Care